My roles

  • Storyboarding
  • Persona creation
  • Information architecture
  • Mobile visual app flow 
  • Style guide
  • Visual mock ups

Design challenge 

This is a concept mobile app to search and watch highly curated streaming movies online. Traditional genre based search filtering is not very applicable to art films and the goal is to provide a unique criteria for film lovers to search and watch movies that define cinema history.


Cinematory provides a curated selection of the most important classic and contemporary films from around the world that are currently available in local theaters or available on sites like Criterion. The film lover can search and view films based on mood and be notified when a classic film is being shown in local theaters.


Low-fi visual app flow

Style guide and mock ups



I created a storyboard and person based on user interviews

User Persona

“I tend to have more respect for some movies than most movies they make today”
Dean Nelson

Early 20s, male
Grew up in Seattle
Majored in British History

- Create an independent film one day
- Working towards a graduate degree in multimedia studies

- Comfortable with technology but not an early adopter
Likes: stories, solitude, taking walks, baseball, independent films

Defining flow and layout

Paper prototype

Landing page exploration in Sketch